Real Wedding: Zeynab El Helw + Mohamad Kanso In Barcelona, Spain

In a romantic celebration that could only be described as the wedding of the century, Zeynab El Helw and Mohamad Kanso exchanged vows at a breathtakingly beautiful location in Barcelona, Spain. The couple’s union was nothing short of enchanting, with every moment of their special day seeming to validate the notion that true love is real. It was as if they were living out their own fairytale, meant to be together from the very beginning.

And indeed, fate had a hand in bringing them together – the pair shares a remarkable coincidence: they were both born on April 24th, 1985. Their paths crossed two years prior in July 2015 at La Cantine du Faubourg when they discovered they shared identical travel plans. This serendipitous encounter marked the start of their lifelong journey together.

The proposal that followed, with Mohamad getting down on one knee in the picturesque Amalfi Coast and Zeynab saying yes, was the final confirmation that their love was meant to be.

First Look Wedding Photos

The scene unfolded like a dream come true. Zeynab, radiant in her wedding attire, exuded an aura of peace, serenity, and happiness that drew Mohamad’s gaze like a magnet. His warm smile, reflecting his joy at the thought of his bride, added to his dashing good looks. The first glimpse of Zeynab was a moment suspended in time, capturing the essence of their special day. As they gazed into each other’s eyes, it was clear that this was, without a doubt, the most unforgettable moment of her life.

The memory of their tender moment would forever be etched in the story of their love. The picturesque setting at the Castell de Sant Marçal in Barcelona provided a stunning backdrop for their special day. The rolling green hills in the distance, the white tents, and the breathtaking architecture of Romanesque and Gothic styles blended harmoniously with the serene atmosphere.

The picturesque moat, complete with a walkway that crossed it, added to the enchanting ambiance, making this real-life scene feel like a classic movie waiting to be played out.

Wedding Ceremony

Wedding Ceremony

Wedding Ceremony
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Wedding Ceremony
Wedding Ceremony
Wedding Ceremony
Wedding Ceremony
Wedding Ceremony
Wedding Ceremony
Wedding Ceremony

As Mohamad made his grand entrance, surrounded by friends and an energetic MC announcing his arrival to the iconic Rocky Balboa soundtrack, the air was electric. The groom’s triumphant smile only grew as he shed his silk robe, basking in the adoration of those present. Minutes later, Zeynab began her own procession, serenaded by a carefully curated love song that set the tone for an emotional and intimate moment.

The guests were captivated, but Mohamad was lost in the beauty of his bride-to-be, beaming with joy as she finally reached him. He wrapped her in a tight hug, as if he’d never let her go. The harmonious blend of music, atmosphere, and genuine emotions created an unforgettable and treasured memory for their special day.

Wedding Photo Shoot For Bride And Groom

Wedding Photo Shoot For Bride And Groom
Wedding Photo Shoot For Bride And Groom
Wedding Photo Shoot For Bride And Groom
Wedding Photo Shoot For Bride And Groom
Wedding Photo Shoot For Bride And Groom
Wedding Photo Shoot For Bride And Groom

As the photographer’s lens captured the essence of this couple, their love for each other was palpable. Lost in the moment, they seemed oblivious to the breathtaking castle backdrop and the joyous gathering of friends and family surrounding them. Yet, as the camera clicked away, their affection for one another remained unwavering, telling a tale of deep devotion. This unforgettable celebration, a once-in-a-lifetime experience, was a testament to the power of true love.

The photographs spoke volumes about Zeynab and Mohamad’s relationship – the tender way he cradled her hand, the gentle caress of his lips against her skin, and the warmth in their words for each other. As they gazed into one another’s eyes, it was clear that their dreams had finally come to fruition, and nothing could ever separate them, not even the passage of time.

Decorations And A Party Time

Decorations And A Party Time

Decorations And A Party Time
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Decorations And A Party Time
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Decorations And A Party Time
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Decorations And A Party Time
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Decorations And A Party Time
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Decorations And A Party Time
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Decorations And A Party Time
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Decorations And A Party Time
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Decorations And A Party Time
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Decorations And A Party Time
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Decorations And A Party Time
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Decorations And A Party Time
Decorations And A Party Time
Decorations And A Party Time
Decorations And A Party Time
Decorations And A Party Time
Decorations And A Party Time
Decorations And A Party Time
Decorations And A Party Time
Decorations And A Party Time

The Castel De Sant Marcal wedding venue was a masterclass in setting the tone for a memorable celebration. From the cleverly designed signs that shared the love story of Zeynab and Mohamad to the beautifully arranged flowers adorning the seating areas, every detail was thoughtfully considered. The bar area featured a skilled mixologist, ensuring that all guests had access to delightful drinks.

Meanwhile, an outdoor piano played elegant tunes under the shade of trees, where beer was also available for those who wanted to relax and unwind. A unique family tree, complete with pictures, added a touch of sentimentality to the proceedings, making it a truly special celebration. As the sun set on this joyous occasion, all guests looked spectacular as they prepared to party, celebrate the union of Zeynab and Mohamad, and mark the beginning of their everlasting love.

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